Fenêtre de temps
Fenêtre de temps Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 29/01/2025

ON ne tire pas assez de leçons des différentes crises que nous traversons. Celle des entreprises défaillantes en est un exemple.

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Electricity grids: Low voltage will have to wait

Par Aziz DIOUF | Edition N°:6879 Le 01/11/2024 | Partager

Defenders of low voltage are finding it hard to make themselves heard. While some of them thought that the draft decree No. 2-24-740 (relating to the setting of technical prescriptions concerning the conditions of connection and access to medium-voltage electricity distribution grids and the rules concerning their use), currently being prepared by the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, was a good opportunity to include Low Voltage, Leïla Benali’s Department has categorically rejected this proposal.

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